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Knee Replacement

Normal Knee joint is made up of 4 bones:

1)The thigh bone(Femur) which connects the hip to the knee.

2)The shin bone(Tibia) which connects the knee to the ankle.

3)The Fibula which is a thinner ,shorter bone running parallel to the Tibia.

4)The knee cap(patella)which rides on the knee joint as it bends.

The knee joint is lined by a layer called the synovium which produces a joint lubricating and nourshing fluid.The cartilage lines the bony ends and provides a smooth surface allowing painless,friction free movement.Menisci are thin layers of fibro cartilage lining the connecting surfaces of the Tibia and Femur.They act as shock absorbers and help in knee rotation and stabilizing the joint.Damage to these can cause abnormal movement abnormal movement and the damage cannot be healed.

Knee Arthritis produces:
Thinning or loss of the cartilage. Swelling of the joint capsule. Narrowing of the joint space Abnormal bone growth around the edges of the joint.

Types of Knee Replcement:
1)Total knee replacement-here the entire knee joint is replaced.
2)Partial (Unicondylar) knee replacement – when only one compartment of the knee is damaged only the damaged surfaces are replaced.

Gender specific implants –for woman:
Thus allow a more custom fit to match the female bone structure.
The prosthesis is made up of 3 components:
1) Femoral section made of metal.
2) Tibialsection made of high density polyethylene(supported by a metal tray).
3) Patella made of high density polyethylene.

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