rahulnerlikar@gmail.com Call us: +020-25463362
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Our Clinic

Kelkar Nursing Home is located in Prabhat Road, Pune. Total joint replacements, spine surgeries, arthroscopic surgery are just a few of the treatment options performed and/or treated by the hospital.

Kelkar Nursing Home was developed to provide high-quality, cost-effective, specialized orthopedic care, in a streamlined environment focused on wellness, mobility and quick recovery.

Dr. Rahul Nerlikar

MS, DNB, MCh (Ortho), FRCS
Consultant Orthopedic surgeon
Specialising in Joint Replacement & Arthroscopy

If you need a doctor ? Make an appoinment now!

Total joint replacements, spine surgeries, arthroscopic surgery are just a few of the treatment options performed and/or treated by the hospital..


Dr.Rahul Nerlikar

MS(Orth) , DNB(Orth),
MCh (Orth)(UK)

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Postgraduate training in Sassoon General Hospital, Pune 3 year experience in University Hospital.

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Speciality Training


Training in Spine Surgery in Elective Surgery Unit, Royal Aberdeen Hospital..

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professional Interests


Sports Injuries and Arthroscopy..

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Our Service

A Joint is made up of two or more bony surfaces lined by a cartilage (padding)which acts as a shock absorver and allows smooth movement. The ends of the bones are held together by a joint Capsule which is lined by a synovial membrane this produces the synovial fluid which helps in lubricating the joint and facilities smooth movement .A number of inflammatory and degenerative (collectively called arthritis)can cause damage to the cartilage and syovium. Since the cartilage does not have blood supply and cannot repair itself-with continued damage it is worn away –exposing the bony ends. The bony ends grind against each other with every movement of the joint and may produce stiffness and pain.

The hip joint (“a ball and socket”) joint is made up of 2 bones:
The pelvis which has the socket(acetabulam) The thigh bone or (femur) whose head forms the ball The bony surface are lined by cartilage. Wear and tear of this cartilage causes the exposed bone ends to rub against each other producing pain,limitation of movement and deformity.

This wear and tear may be due to-:
Avascular necrosis (loss of blood supply)
Fractures etc.
Hip Replacement may be partial(only femoral head is replaced) Or Total (the entire joint surface is replaced)

Normal Knee joint is made up of 4 bones: 1)The thigh bone(Femur) which connects the hip to the knee. 2)The shin bone(Tibia) which connects the knee to the ankle. 3)The Fibula which is a thinner ,shorter bone running parallel to the Tibia. 4)The knee cap(patella)which rides on the knee joint as it bends. The knee joint is lined by a layer called the synovium which produces a joint lubricating and nourshing fluid.The cartilage lines the bony ends and provides a smooth surface allowing painless ,friction free movement.Menisci are thin layers of fibro cartilage lining the connecting surfaces of the Tibia and Femur.They act as shock absorbers and help in knee rotation and stabilizing the joint.Damage to these can cause abnormal movement abnormal movement and the damage cannot be healed.

Lose excess weight and get into a positive frame of mind. With your doctors guidance perform some muscle strengthening exercises. Take care of all dental work beforehand as this can be a source of infection. Other sources such as sinuses,urinary tract must also be clear of infection. Prelimiinary laboratory investigations. Donate your own blood ,which can then for you if needed during after surgery (Check with your doctor about this). Medical evaluation including Chest X-ray and ECG if needed to ensure that you are strong enough for surgery and recovery. Please tell your doctors about each and every medicine you are taking for any-reason-even aspirin.Some medicines are not compatible with anesthetic or may cause increased bleeding .These medicines may need to be stopped pre operatively.

The shoulder joint is made of 3 bones The Scapula (shoulder blade) – it has a shallw cavity(glenoid) The Clavicle(collar bone) The Humerus (upper arm bone)-its end is rounded and fits into the glenoid. It is by cartilage and allows smooth movement. The tendons of surrounding muscles forms a cuff(rotator cuff)which connects these bones and allows smooth movement. A lubricated sac of tissue called bursa between the acromion and the rotator cuff also facilitates movement. Since the shoulder is a non weight bearing joint wear and tear is less common than hip/knee Osteoarthritis/rheumatoid arthritis/fracture/ repeated dislocation can damage the joint tissues and result in a stuff and painful joint.

Joint problems are on the rise due to large number of people who exercise/participate in competitive sports and are thus prone to injury. Arthoscopy is a procedure used to diagnose and treat problems in a joint .These may be detected by clinical examination and on X-Ray/MRI but the actual extent is verified only by direct visualization.

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